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Sephora Ranks Highest in Study on Personalization and Video

Source: Multichannel Merchant Read Full Article
Retail & E-commerce

Sephora was ranked highest among retailers for both personalization and use of video, followed by Amazon in both categories, according to a study by SundaySky. Walmart earned a 12th place ranking in both, while Target is listed among the top five retailers. Dell ranked higher than Microsoft in personalization but not in video.

Sephora was ranked highest among retailers for both personalization and use of video, followed by Amazon in both categories, according to a study by SundaySky. Walmart earned a 12th place ranking in both, while Target is listed among the top five retailers. Verizon and AT&T led T-Mobile and Sprint on both personalization and video, with Verizon taking top marks against all telecommunications brands measured. Dell ranked higher than Microsoft in personalization but not in video. Costco ranked higher in personalization and video than CVS, while Lowes beat out The Home Depot in personalization but not in video. The study found that 70% of brands that rank in the top 10 for either personalization or the use of video in their marketing and advertising use the two strategies together. “Consumers have access to unprecedented amounts of information and options,” said Jim Dicso, CEO of SundaySky in the study. “As new entrants compete for their attention, brands need to compete on a dimension of customer experience where each one is personal, valuable and emotionally engaging.” The company surveyed customers of more than 60 household names. SundaySky found that while video and personalization are proven customer strategies in their own right, the convergence of the two approaches lifts satisfaction and brand efforts. The survey found consumers universally rated brands’ personalization efforts higher than their video efforts. Another study by SundaySky showed that the use of personalized video as a customer experience strategy correlates with an increase in NPS of up to 48 points.


Original article published on Multichannel Merchant here.