Industry innovators in customer experience, digital marketing, and online video.

Zeevi Co-Founder & General Partner, Viola Ventures
Avi is a co-founder of the Viola Group, and a co-founder of Viola Ventures. He serves as a General Partner at Viola and he leads Viola’s FinTech practice.His investment interests include FinTech, Big Data, AI and Software. Avi was the first VC investor in Actimize, where he served as an active Chairman from 2001 and until it was sold to NICE Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ: NICE), in August 2007, for $280 million. He began his career as a hi-tech entrepreneur and was a co-founder and CEO of MINT Technologies. After merging Mint into Oshap, he served as the CFO of Oshap that was acquired by SunGard for $220M. Avi is involved in several educational non for profit organizations.